Max Strus is a professional American basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, as well as one of the first athletes to receive a fairly new procedure known as EVO ICL eye surgery. As someone who struggled with contacts and glasses in his personal and professional life due to myopia, he underwent the surgery to reduce his dependency on them with great success. He now has better than 20/20 vision, which helps his performance on the court and prepares him for the upcoming basketball season.
Since then, Max Strus partnered with Staar Surgical Company to join their mission of bringing EVO Implantable Collamer Lenses to the millions of Americans who struggle with nearsightedness. He will share the journey of his struggle with his myopia and the EVO ICL surgery that fixed it on social media, both nationally and globally, to raise awareness.
It’s estimated that 30% of the world’s population struggles with myopia. This recently approved surgery can give them hope that they will no longer have to endure any discomfort that glasses or contacts cause anymore.
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About EVO ICL Eye Surgery
EVO ICL Eye Surgery is a procedure in which a refractive lens is implanted in the eye, in between the iris and the natural lens, to correct common vision problems, like myopia and astigmatism. The implant is made of biocompatible Collamer material so that it works more naturally with your eye.
This surgery involves adding technology that will ease your reliance on glasses or contacts, instead of a corrective procedure that requires the removal of corneal tissue. It only takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the surgery to be performed on each eye.
Benefits of EVO ICL Eye Surgery
There are a wide array of benefits when you undergo EVO ICL Eye Surgery.
- It can result in significant vision improvement
- It’s a quick procedure with a fast recovery time
- It can be removed by a surgeon if it’s no longer wanted
- The lens offers UV protection
- The lens is undetectable once it’s in place
- It can correct nearsightedness and astigmatism
- It provides excellent night vision
- Patients who do not qualify for LASIK or other corrective procedures due to a thin cornea can still undergo this procedure if they meet the other requirements
- It doesn’t cause dry eye syndrome, which is common in other corrective procedures
Risks of EVO ICL Eye Surgery
With as many benefits as it has, it’s still a surgery, and that comes with some risks to be aware of.
These can include:
- Infection
- Retinal detachment
- Intraocular pressure problems
- Cataracts
- Loss of corneal endothelial cells
- Eye inflammation
To avoid these possible complications, our doctors evaluate every patient’s eyes before this surgery.
Are You a Candidate? 
EVO ICL surgery is extremely helpful to many, but it’s not the right fit for everyone.
You could be a candidate for EVO ICL surgery if you:
- Fall in the age range of 18-40 years old
- Have common eye conditions, like myopia with or without astigmatism
- You have maintained a stable prescription for at least one year
- You want to reduce your need for glasses or contacts
The best way to know if you are a candidate is to discuss the possibility of the surgery with one of our highly skilled doctors.
Expert Eye Care in Cleveland
Are contact lenses and glasses interfering with your daily life? You don’t have to be a professional athlete to access the EVO ICL surgery that will reduce your dependency on them.
At Cleveland Eye Clinic, we put our patients first with friendly, professional eye care and the use of cutting-edge technology to offer the most effective treatments as soon as possible. Because of this, we’ve been able to stay at the forefront of top-tier eye care for over 80 years.
If you’re interested in the benefits of EVO ICL surgery, you can download our free EVO ICL guide to learn more or schedule a free evaluation with our trusted team of experts at Cleveland Eye Clinic to see if it’s the right option for you.