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What Is a Stye?

A stye is that annoying, painful red bump that shows up near your eyelid, usually caused by a bacterial infection in an oil gland. They are usually compared to an acne pimple and can be tender to the touch.  While styes are extremely common and tend to go away on their own, some severe cases… Read More

Semaglutide Eye Side Effects: What You Need to Know

Semaglutide, more commonly known by its brand names Ozempic and Wegovy, is an FDA-approved treatment for managing type 2 diabetes. Because of its ability to curb appetite and regulate metabolism, semaglutide has also gained popularity as an effective weight loss remedy. Like any drug, its cure doesn’t come without side effects, including — according to… Read More

What is An Ocular Migraine

An ocular migraine is a condition that entails visual issues such as an aura, blind spots, and flickering in one eye accompanied by migraine headaches. Ocular migraines are also known as retinal migraines. The attack of visual issues is typically temporary, but in some cases can be permanent.  The frequency of an ocular migraine ranges… Read More

Why You Might Have a Sharp Pain in Your Eye

It’s no mystery that our eyes play a pivotal role in our lives. They also happen to be some of our most sensitive organs. So when a sharp pain in your eye starts to creep up on you, it’s a cause for concern—let alone extremely uncomfortable. In these situations, you immediately worry and ask yourself… Read More

Eye Colors: Types, Genetics, Health Implications, & Eye Color Chart

One genuinely distinctive quality about you is the color of your eyes. Your eyes are the only ones on the planet that are exactly the same color. Although eye color has inspired poems, paintings, and photographs, scientists have discovered that eye color can sometimes reveal far more about a person. We’ll explore the variation of… Read More

What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye, also known as keratitis sicca or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is caused by insufficient and/or poor-quality tears.  What Is Dry Eye? Dry eye is a disease that affects the layers of tears that cover your cornea. Your eyes have three layers of tears that cover and protect the surface of your eyes. These layers need… Read More

Dilated Pupils: Causes, Treatments, and When To Be Concerned

Dilation of the pupils is a normal response our body has that filters out light to enable us to see. Many know what this feels like if they have been to an optometrist needing glasses. Although dilated eyes are normal and instigated by doctors, people can struggle with dilated pupils. Understanding why our pupils dilate… Read More

Anatomy of the Eye

The anatomy of the human body is intricate, and your eye is no different. There are a number of parts in your eye that are essential to how they function and allow you to see the world around you. So, how do they work? Let’s discuss how your eyes function, the parts of your eye… Read More

PRK vs LASIK vs SMILE: What’s the Difference?

There are an abundance of procedures that can be done to improve your eyesight. A few extremely popular options are PRK eye surgery, LASIK eye surgery, and SMILE eye surgery. Each procedure has the same goal and its own host of benefits. But deciding which one is the best option for you can be difficult…. Read More

How Long After LASIK Can I Wear Makeup?

LASIK eye surgery is well-known for being a very quick procedure with a speedy recovery time. It’s only a short while after your surgery that you can get back to your normal routines, including your makeup regime. Many of our patients wonder: how long after LASIK can I wear makeup? What surprises some of our… Read More


Cataract patients now have an option to see at both near and far distances after cataract surgery! NEW multi-focal IOL technology can now decrease dependence on glasses after surgery.

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